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For many small businesses, the challenge of managing debt is like navigating a treacherous channel. AFSA's "Dealing with Debt" sheds light on understanding the depths of your debts, strategies for managing them, and the potential consequences of not addressing financial obligations. With insights into amendments to the Bankruptcy Act, this guide is a compass for businesses trying to steer clear of the rocks of economic struggle.
Further Reading
Title | Short Summary |
ATO's Directors Penalty Notice Information | |
AFSA's Dealing with Debt | A guiding service offering free financial counselling for small businesses in hardship, helping navigate debt and cash flow troubles. |
Deciphering A Credit Report | It also has a downloadable form ADVISE OF TAX RETURN if you choose to use an OFFICIAL TRUSTEE as your trustee. |
ASIC Closing A Small Business | Tailored mental health coaching for small business owners, with free, confidential sessions designed to manage stress through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. |
NSW Small Business Commission Mediation Service | Support for customers in financial difficulty, offering access to specialised hardship teams within banks. |
ACCC's Debt Collection Guideline for Collectors & Creditors | If you're inclined to explore the intricate details of how bankruptcy intersects with superannuation contributions, then feel free to read the Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment (Superannuation Contributions) Act 2007 SCHEDULE 1-AMENDMENTS RELATING TO SUPERANNUATION CONTRIBUTIONS |
Beyond Blue - New Access for Small Business Owners | Beyond Blue offers 24/7 confidential counselling for those facing mental health challenges. |
Grants and Programs Finder (COVID-10 Support) | Comprehensive guidance for winding up companies and trusts, detailing voluntary and ASIC-initiated deregistration procedures. |
AFSA Bankruptcy Search: InfoTrack Tool | Your Sherpa through the daunting terrain of bankruptcy application, turning a mountain of paperwork into a series of manageable steps. |
NSW Government's Business Connect Program | A summary of debt settlement options for sole traders and partnerships before considering bankruptcy. |
Small Business Debt Helpline | Lifeline provides round-the-clock, empathetic crisis support through various communication channels. |
The Treasury Small Business Guide | Business Connect provides advice for financially challenged businesses, helping identify options and strategies for recovery. |
AFSA's Guide on Personal Bankruptcy and Company Liquidation | This guide created jointly by AFSA, in collaboration with ASIC and ARITA, offers essential insights into how personal bankruptcy and company liquidation interact. |
Is Your Business Experiencing Financial Difficulty? - AFSA | AFSA provides strategies and insights for small businesses grappling with debt management and the implications of bankruptcy. |
ASIC: Closing A Small Business | A navigational aid for small businesses seeking COVID-19 financial support, including JobKeeper and tax relief measures. |
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